środa, 18 maja 2016

Our World in Art: Exhibition in the Hall.

Today we have put on display some of our pictures. We are just about to finish our class project entitled "Our World in Art". On Monday each of us is going to have a presentation about a famous artist. We are looking forward to this event! Right now everyone can have a look at our works of art in the hall. Enjoy!

piątek, 13 maja 2016

Our World in Art: Art in Our World.

To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling - this is the activity of art.

Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings and also experience them.

Every work of art causes the receiver to enter into a certain kind of relationship both with him who produced, or is producing, the art, and with all those who, simultaneously, previously, or subsequently, receive the same artistic impression. 
(Lev Tolstoy)

“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”
~ Edward Hopper
THEORY: Through art we become better givers and receivers. To share and understand each other - that's why we need art. Art is a means of communication, to tell one another a story they want to share with others. What is more, we need art to think, be reflective and release some emotions. Art is like a palette of colors, giving us a full range of expression. Art is everywhere around us, in the streets, in the parks. When it is part of the place we live, these places become more interesting. 

PRACTICE: The students' task was to design a piece of art, either a sculpture, a building or a mural. It could also be a painting presented in a new way to the public. They could have gone even further and create some extraordinary works of art in quite unusual places.

czwartek, 12 maja 2016

Our World in Art: Movement.

Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. (Samuel Beckett)

The momentary visual delights of life in motion is the movement of the observer – me. If I don't do a drawing immediately, if only a brief sketch, it's gone. (Warren Criswell)

Art is the choreography of thought and motion. (Ginia A. Davis)

People call me the painter of dancers, but I really wish to capture movement itself. (Edgar Degas)

"Everything is in motion. Everything flows. Everything is vibrating." Artists use special lines and shapes and other tricks (like mixture of colors) to put people, things in paintings in motion, to give the idea of movement. There are artists who are able to go further and make sculptures that will give us, for instance, the idea of a strong wind or a storm on the ocean.

The Song of the Sea. Pictures inspired by the movie.